So, I have had an uproarously busy last couple of days, I met TWO pot SD's in one day. The one from out of state (who was so sexy... I had to take a moment there), and then another local guy who was a bit younger (34).
I told you all about the trip out of state, so I will tell you about this second guy.
I got home, looked around my apartment, and sat on my bed to check to see if I had an e-mails from pot SD's and then started e-mailing my tail off. During that time a local SD (this guy lives 20 min away from me) sent me his phone number and asked me to call him. I saw no reason not to, other than the fact that is was MIDNIGHT!
We talked for awhile, and after about twenty minutes he asked me to meet him.
At. His. House.
So, being a dare devil, a kind of nut (thought not a wall nut, cause their boring, ha!), and not thinking as clearly as I ought to have been due to lack of sleep: I got in my car (with my dogs) and drove over to meet him. He lives in the BEST part of town, in a freaking mansion!! 7 bedrooms, sauna, 6 bath, massive kitchen with marble countertops, three stories... seriously... woah. I work in real estate and if I didn't I might have wet myself.
I digress... anyways! I go inside, and he is fairly good looking (I'm in sweats and a v-neck t-shirt = my jammies). We start discussing SB/SD relationships. And he flat out tells me that he thinks that talking about money up front in a regards to a relationship is a turn off. SPANKING NEW SD. DING! DING! DING!
I laugh it off and we have a friendly debate where he thinks, "The giving should develope naturally." My comment being this: In a sugar realtionship, everything is up front and agreed to so as not to cause the complications, emotional or otherwise.
We talked for awhile more, and then he said there was no way he could commit to something without sleeping with a girl first, because what if it wasn't good.... basically he wanted to get laid, and I wasn't havin it. I called his marble counters ugly, laughed, said good night and left after he told me I ought to seek out an older 'more expereinced' SD... YA THINK!?!?!?
This Sugar isn't free, and unless your dick is made of fucking holy wishes and gold.... nope, not even then.
Stupid new Splenda Daddies. I'm not giving you the milk before you buy the cow!!
Oh... I wore my knife (very intimidating black heavy thing) on my sweats and put it on the counter next to me where he could see it too. Also texted my friends his address.
No Splenda here.... just sleep deprivation.
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