Saturday, September 17, 2011

To Blog or Not To Blog

Hello Sparklers, VSB, SB, SM and SD's alike!  I hope you are all finding your Saturday well. 

Me?  I'm exhausted.  I just got off work, very tired, but I acheived a lot today!

Came home to an apartment that has become a type of metaphor for my life.  My room-mate moved out and took all his furniture, which was, well, everything.  So, now my place is pretty empty, and I have some more work to do in order to clean it up and move out as well.  Please don't take this as me complaining, because I'm not.  Things could be a lot worse (I've been in worse), and I know that once I get my first paycheck (from my new job) that things will start to look a lot better.

Now that the (seemingly) sad is out of the way, onto the good!!!  I got three (!) responses today, one was some advice that I had asked for on my profile, one was a comment on a possible visit from a pot SD (hoorah) and another was one from an e-mail I sent out last night to pot SD in my area that made me a little too giddy to sleep (last night, at 4am).  I'm going to tell you about the last.

 I read this pot SD's profile and followed all the steps I recommended to you pot SB's out there, and based on the SUBJECT LINE he was excited to respond to me.  It was about one of his interests, (one we have in common) hiking and he seemed genuinely enthused to hear from me.

 Just sayin, it makes a Sparkler SB feel like she has a better chance than 12%.  Ya know??

^.^  Keep your heads up Sparklers and wish me luck.  I WISH YOU ALL LUCK! ^.^

And, what do you think of my updated blog format and photos???

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