Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First adventure of a Sparkling NEW Sugar Baby

So, ladies and gents, I have decided to become one of the world's smartest women and become a Sugar Baby (SB).

I bought a book that was a companion for a much advertised Sugar website (  I read the book, not all the way through yet, but most of it, and did what most of you "veteran" SB's (VSB) have done: Wrote my profile, uploaded my photos, rewrote my profile, decided what I could bring to the table and how much I wanted per month (via allowances, gifts, trips, etc.), and rewrote my profile, and then added this profile to as well.  I figured I would cast a wider net and find a few more fish.

I also read up on a lot of the advice from you VSB's and Sugar Daddies (SD), and followed as much of it as possible.  I didn't want to go into this naive and un-cautious.  I did as much research as possible and was entirely honest with myself about what I wanted, who I am, and I what I have to offer.

After doing all that, sending out quite a few e-mails myself, and getting three back (granted it has only been three days, so I think I'm doing damn well if I say so myself), I went through the process of vetting the SD's that contacted me.

The first one turned out be a complete perv... eww.

The Second may still have potential but I also might have scared him off with my straight forward e-mail.  He brought up sex, so I brought up money (this is all in the SA book and on the blogs as being an ok thing to do, but we will see).

The third I met after exchanging a few e-mails and phone numbers (I used my google voice account to keep myself protected).

It seemed, to me, that he was a complete gentleman (on the phone), he congratulated me on getting hired at my new position, met me at a local restaurant in my area, and paid for everything.

 The conversation flowed nicely, I limited myself to one drink to get to know him better and not appear to be an alcoholic (which I'm not), laughed and had a good time.

 He put his hand on my thigh, and I laid mine on top of his to stop it from wandering and because, honestly, his man is a very attractive looking man.

Then... the conversation turned to sex.   So, I suggested taking a walk outside in the outdoor mall area.

Once outside we discussed what each of us was looking for, and I didn't expect (or want to) talk about money on the first date or meeting.  He asked me what I wanted, and I told him I wanted my bills paid for, an allowance, and special gifts and trips (pretty standard, right ladies?), he agreed and we kept walking.

Finally, (I say finally because my sexy red kitten heels were killin' my feet) we found a seat outside and at this point he got quite handsy (strike number one in my book), he tried to push my skirt up my knee, I stopped him gently but firmly, and he smiled and leaned in to kiss me.  Not a bad kisser, not pushy, but not mind blowing; decent. We continued talking after the first kiss (which he told me was mind blowing), and I saw him grab his manhood... can we saw, ew (strike number two)?  There were small children and families walking by the whole time.

We got up and walked some more, and he kept talking about wanting to see me naked and make out in alleyways and such, flattering but... not my style.

We said good evening, agreed to a second meeting on Tuesday afternoon (my day off), and I went home to relax and get ready for work.

The relaxing part wasn't happening yet:

He called me and was pushing to come to over and make out and promised to leave after so I could get some sleep and so on and so forth, I was gentle but firm using every excuse in the book from, "I don't ever invite first dates, whether their sugar or romantic, over or into my home.", to,"If it's exciting now, then the anticipation and excitement will build and be all the better on Tuesday."

After about five or so minutes of this I said to him, "I understand you want to see me tonight, but if you don't want to take things a bit slower and get to know one another better, than I think I'm not the right girl for you." He told me, "I am trying to use power to get my way and I can see that isn't working. I don't want to scare you away."   and we said good evening.

Needless to say, I don't think he's the perfect daddy for me.

My own comments on this date: REALLY!?!? You think it's ok to try and push a woman you barely knows skirt up in a public place where children are walking by??  Hah! No.

Grabbing your crotch, in public, is NEVER acceptable.  Ever.  If you have to re-adjust, be really freakin discreet about it. Jeesh.

Pushing that hard to come into MY private space when we barely know one another is a serious 'HELL NO!' In my book.

Pushing AFTER I've said no makes me want to poke you in the eye, I don't care how wealthy or powerful you are.


  1. By the way, I surfed over from the SA blog, and if you would like to send me your e-mail address, you can comment back to me via my e-mail, and I'll invite you to my blog to read. I decided to keep it private because you know how it is... one in a million chance that someone from my life would run into it, but I can't take that chance.

  2. No, He did NOT become my SD. Ew. I have (and I hope all SB's do) more class than that.
